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We are international dedicated Volunteers!!give your hand to change to a better world!!!!!!  

The teachers of Hope English Classes and Mr Casey K, after Giving books to Hope English Classes.

Most of people in refugees communities,don't know even a little in english language,or their knoweldge is limited on
a few words.being given that english is the primary language dominating in Kenya even in international community,
HAFA has decided to conduct english classes among these communities.
Volunteers will be relied on,to carry out this activity.
HAFA is starting with Level I,classes,but in the future we expect to start level II,by which we plan to assist many
of the youth refugees who are involved in education,to improve in their english knowledge.

ENGLISH CLASSES conducted by HAFA are going on!The present intake is supposed to end in late january!from 3 students in starting the classesare now counting more than 10 regular students!HAFA is satisfied  by the results the fruits that are coming out from these classes!

Some of the students of Hope English Classes and mr Casey K after delivering books to Hope English Classes.
So Many apretiations to the work done by Mr Casey .K
THE HOPE ENGLISH CLASSES are now having new regulations.these regulations were made in order to make the classes more beneficial and productive.being given that in the past some of the students have not been taking the program with silliousness, especially when it comes to the ponctuality!(posted on 05th,jan,2011)

HAFA a partner in community development!